Book Fair

Attn Parents: 

The Spring Buy One Get One Free Book Fair will be April 25-29 during school hours. Come stock up for summer! Your student will shop with their language arts class or you can shop online at Interested in volunteering? We could use your help! Please sign up here:

All grade levels have completed the Illinois Assessment of Readiness.  There are a few students that still need to take makeup tests.  These will need to be completed by April 22nd. 

The PTO will be having our last meeting of the school year on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00pm.  The PTO will be recapping the year, including our very successful Spring Fundraiser and electing new officers for V.P., Treasurer and Communication Chair.

If you are interested in one of these positions or would like to nominate someone, please reach out to a board member.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 386 212 4223

Passcode: rSrwX0


Upcoming Dates

April 14-April 18 - Spring Vacation - No School

April 19 - School Board Meeting, SES, 7:30pm

April 20 - Midterms sent home


Mr. Darin J. Loepker, Principal

Shiloh Middle School